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At Boffin Books we believe, that young learners who take mathematics, need regular practice and revision to make a success of the subject. To meet this need, we as parents and one as a qualified maths and remedial teacher, have used our expertise and experience to compile Maths Boffin Exercise book for primary school grades.


We are confident that these books will help learners to become Maths Boffins; children with a solid knowledge of mathematics.

This exercise book has been designed to:

  1. Thoroughly cover all the work in the present Grade 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 curriculum, with revision question papers for exam preparation;

  2. To be user-friendly and suited to the age of the learner;

  3. To present the work in manageable quantities: the learner will be expected to complete two exercises per week;

  4. To include detailed, explanatory memorandum.

It is important that the work be checked so that problem areas may be identified and dealt with immediately, before moving on to a new theme.


May everyone who use this book be blessed to discover not only that maths is exciting, but also that it is easy to do well, and become a MATHS BOFFIN with a bit of hard work!

Ester and Surette

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